Surveys/Presentations |



Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Cloud, security, usage trends, data storage, artificial intelligence, encryption
Custom Project Description: The client (Google Cloud) wanted a survey and report to discern to what degree perceptions over security and the use of the public cloud as a mission-critical platform may be changing. Using a selection of of over 500 senior-level respondents, including business and technology executives who are subscribers of MIT Sloan Management Review, Triangle Publishing Services conducted the survey on behalf of MIT SMR Custom Studio. The global survey was based on organizations with more than 1,000 employees in North America and over 500 employees in other global regions. The 25 questions in the survey focused on how companies are adopting and managing cloud security. Only survey respondents with significant awareness of cloud technologies were qualified to complete the survey. In addition to the survey, the client wanted in-depth interviews with academics and other recognized thought leaders, as well as a research report for Web posting and other forms of electronic distribution.
The Result: Working with the Google Cloud group, MIT SMR Custom Studio—supported by Triangle Publishing Services—developed the survey questionnaire to help document or disprove the hypothesis that perceptions of the cloud as more vulnerable to security gaps are changing. With extensive experience in survey analysis and expertise in a number of technology categories, including security and cloud, Triangle Publishing Services is familiar with the trends, forecasts and technology forces that are shaping business and information technology leaders. Triangle Publishing Services presented the data in a detailed PowerPoint to the client, provided helpful commentary and analysis, and prepared the pubic-facing report for the client. The results document that confidence in cloud security is indeed changing, showing those respondents with the most direct experience with cloud technology are more confident in its security. Whether it is cloud, big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning or supply chain management, the goals of a major Triangle survey are to identify data and insights which will engage the target audience as well as provide our clients with the market insight necessary to plan for, and make, sound business/technology decisions. To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Cloud, transaction processing, real-time processing, in-memory processing, big data
Custom Project Description: The client (SAP) wanted to understand the causes and effects of excess IT complexity, and to explore the technologies and processes that help simplify IT and, by extension, lower costs. The objectives were to understand what IT executives believe to be the prime drivers of excess IT complexity and to discern what technologies and processes IT executives are finding most effective at reducing IT complexity. Using a selection of respondents (individuals from organizations with more than 1,000 employees and with annual revenues or more than $1 billion), senior IT executives, mostly at the director level and above were survyed in North America, Europe and Asia. CIO Insight—supported by Triangle Publishing Services—conducted the survey. In addition to the survey, the client wanted an analytical report to include key findings from the survey as well as in-depth interviews with executives and recognized experts. The report was used for Web posting and other forms of electronic distribution.
The Result: Working with SAP and CIO Insight, Triangle Publishing Services developed the survey questionnaire to help stimulate and guide executives’ conversations about technology complexity within their organizations. With extensive experience in survey analysis and expertise in a number of technology categories, Triangle Publishing Services is familiar with the technology trends, survey techniques and business/technology acumen companies and their leadership require to stay on top. Triangle Publishing Services presented the data in a detailed PowerPoint to the client, providing helpful commentary and analysis on what the data and trends mean to the respondents, the client and the marketplace. A key finding from the survey and report is that the harmful effects of excess complexity are widespread, with almost 9 in 10 respondents trying to simplify IT. The report also revealed that top drivers of IT compliexity including managing on premises, hybrid and cloud environments and managing large datasets on multiple platforms. With every survey presentation Triangle Publishing creates, the goals are to identify data and insights which will engage the target audience as well as provide our clients with the market insight necessary to plan for and make sound business/technology decisions. To find out more, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Cloud, mobile, social, big data
Custom Project Description: The client (Microsoft) wanted to showcase its understanding of how the megatrends of cloud, mobile, social, and big data are affecting businesses. Using a selection of respondents (individuals from organizations with more than $500 million in annual revenues or more than 1,000 employees if in the nonprofit/government sector) from the Harvard Business Review research panel and HBR newsletter subscribers in North America, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, as well as Central and South America, Harvard Business Review Analytic Services—supported by Triangle Publishing Services—conducted a survey to uncover insights into the transformative effects of technology on business operations, including how mobile is enabling new business scenarios, cloud computing is driving business agility, big data is helping companies innovate and social channels are transforming core business processes. In addition to the survey, the client wanted in-depth interviews with executives and recognized experts, as well as a research report for Web posting and other forms of electronic distribution.
The Result: Working with Microsoft, Harvard Business Review Analytic Services—supported by Triangle Publishing Services—developed the survey questionnaire to help stimulate and guide executives’ conversations about technology adoption within their organizations. With extensive experience in survey analysis and expertise in a number of technology categories, Triangle Publishing Services is familiar with the trends, forecasts and business/technology acumen companies and their leadership require to stay on top. Triangle Publishing Services presented the data in a detailed PowerPoint to the client, providing helpful commentary and analysis on what the data and trends mean to the respondents, the client and the marketplace. Whether it is big data, social, analytics, cloud computing, CRM, ERP, supply-chain management, manufacturing or mobile devices, with every survey presentation Triangle Publishing creates, the goals are to identify data and insights which will engage the target audience as well as provide our clients with the market insight necessary to plan for and make sound business/technology decisions. To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Cloud computing, platform as a service
Custom Project Description: The client (Oracle) wanted to showcase its understanding of the challenges involved in cloud deployment and platform as a service in the enterprise today and in the future. Using a targeted selection of executives in midsize to large enterprise organizations who are familiar with cloud development in the United States, Europe and Asia/Pacific, Triangle Publishing Services Co., together with our partner, Computerworld Strategic Marketing Services, conducted a survey to understand the current state of cloud adoption in the marketplace, the reasons behind it and how the market is evolving; gain insights into the key challenges in using public and private cloud technologies; identify which capabilities users regard as most critical in cloud platforms and service providers, now and in the future; and prioritize user requirements for cloud platforms in areas such as performance, management, interoperability and migration. In addition to the survey, the client wanted in-depth interviews with leading adopters of cloud technology and consultants to provide context and examples of the trends identified in the survey.
The Result: Working with Oracle, Triangle Publishing Services and Computerworld Strategic Marketing Services developed the survey questionnaire to answer Oracle’s questions related to cloud deployment and platform as a service. With extensive experience in survey analysis and expertise in a number of technology categories, Triangle Publishing Services is familiar with the trends, forecasts and business/technology acumen companies and their leadership require to stay on top. Triangle Publishing Services presented the data in a detailed PowerPoint to the client, providing helpful commentary and analysis on what the data and trends mean to the respondents, the client and the marketplace. Whether it is big data, social, analytics, cloud computing, CRM, ERP, supply-chain management, manufacturing or mobile devices, with every survey presentation Triangle Publishing creates, the goals are to identify data and insights which will engage the target audience as well as provide our clients with the market insight necessary to plan for and make sound business/technology decisions. To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Mobile computing, cloud
Custom Project Description: The client (Oracle) wanted to showcase its understanding of the challenges involved in mobile application development and deployment in the enterprise today and in the future. Using a targeted selection of executives in enterprise organizations familiar with mobility and application development in the United States, Europe and Asia/Pacific, Triangle Publishing Services Co., together with our partner, CIO Strategic Marketing Services, conducted a survey to understand the perspective of IT executives regarding mobile strategy, especially as it applies to application development; document enterprise mobile development plans over the next one to two years; explore the tools, technologies and platforms in use today or being planned for use to implement and deploy custom apps in midsize and large enterprise organizations; and document the current state of and the future plans for back-end connectivity of mobile apps. In addition to the survey, the client wanted in-depth interviews with leading adopters of mobile application development and consultants to provide context and examples of the trends identified in the survey.
The Result: Working with Oracle, Triangle Publishing Services and CIO Strategic Marketing Services developed the survey questionnaire to answer Oracle’s questions related to mobile application development and deployment. With extensive experience in survey analysis and expertise in a number of technology categories, Triangle Publishing Services is familiar with the trends, forecasts and business/technology acumen companies and their leadership require to stay on top. Triangle Publishing Services presented the data in a detailed PowerPoint to the client, providing helpful commentary and analysis on what the data and trends mean to the respondents, the client and the marketplace. Whether it is big data, social, analytics, cloud computing, CRM, ERP, supply-chain management, manufacturing or mobile devices, with every survey presentation Triangle Publishing creates, the goals are to identify data and insights which will engage the target audience as well as provide our clients with the market insight necessary to plan for and make sound business/technology decisions. To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Big data, analytics, cloud computing
Custom Project Description: The client (Dell) wanted to showcase its leadership and focus on providing management tools for big data and analytics implementations on premises or in the cloud to help midmarket companies reduce costs, increase revenues and drive other business benefits. Using a targeted selection of mid- to senior-level managers at midsize companies in the United States, Europe and Asia, Competitive Edge Research, a unit of Triangle Publishing Services Co., together with our partner, Beacon Technology Partners, conducted a survey to uncover the latest consensus among companies implementing or planning to implement big data and analytics. In addition to the survey, the client wanted in-depth interviews with midmarket big data customers as well as recognized big data experts, and a research report for Web posting and other forms of electronic distribution.
The Result: Working with Dell, Competitive Edge Research developed the survey questionnaire to answer Dell’s questions related to big data and analytics. With extensive experience in survey analysis and expertise in a number of technology categories, Competitive Edge Research is familiar with the trends, forecasts and business/technology acumen companies and their leadership require to stay on top. Competitive Edge Research presented the data in a detailed PowerPoint to the client, providing helpful commentary and analysis on what the data and trends mean to the respondents, the client and the marketplace. Whether it is big data, social, analytics, cloud computing, CRM, ERP, supply-chain management, manufacturing or mobile devices, with every survey presentation Triangle Publishing creates, the goals are to identify data and insights which will engage the target audience as well as provide our clients with the market insight necessary to plan for and make sound business/technology decisions.
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Big data, analytics
Custom Project Description: The client (SAP) wanted to showcase its leadership and focus on how big data and analytics can transform the public sector. Working with our partner Beacon Technology Partners, Triangle conducted a survey of mid- to senior-level managers at government agencies around the world to demonstrate the growing interest in the use and benefits of big data and analytics. There is little doubt that these technologies promise to reduce waste, enhance productivity and help make government more efficient. In short, big data and analytics are poised to turn insights into better outcomes for citizens. In addition to the survey, the client wanted in-depth interviews with public sector executives and analysts focusing on this area, as well as a research report, a series of case studies and a detailed infographic for Web posting and other forms of electronic distribution.
The Result: Triangle developed the survey questionnaire to answer SAP’s questions about the public sector’s use of big data and analytics. With extensive experience in survey analysis and expertise in a number of technology categories, Triangle is familiar with the trends, forecasts and business/technology acumen companies and their leadership require to stay on top. Triangle presented the data in a full-color PowerPoint to the client, providing helpful commentary and analysis on what the data and trends mean to the respondents, the client and the marketplace. Whether it is big data, social, analytics, cloud computing, CRM, ERP, supply-chain management, manufacturing or mobile devices, with every survey presentation Triangle Publishing creates, the goals are to identify data and insights which will engage the target audience as well as provide our clients with the market insight necessary to plan for and make sound business/technology decisions.
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Analytics
Custom Project Description: The client (SAP) wanted to showcase its leadership and focus on customer centricity in the banking industry. Working with our partner, Beacon Technology Partners, Triangle conducted a survey of global retail and wholesale banking organizations to demonstrate the growing interest in the use and benefits of analytics in customer centricity initiatives. In addition to the survey, the client wanted in-depth interviews with banking executives, consultants and academics focusing on this area, as well as a research report, a series of case studies and a detailed infographic for Web posting and other forms of electronic distribution.
The Result: Triangle developed the survey questionnaire to answer SAP’s questions about the use and benefits of analytics, including real-time analytics and advanced, high-performance analytics in the banking sector. With extensive experience in survey analysis and expertise in a number of technology categories, Triangle is familiar with the trends, forecasts and business/technology acumen companies and their leadership require to stay on top. Triangle presented the data in a detailed PowerPoint to the client, providing helpful commentary and analysis on what the data and trends mean to the respondents, the client and the marketplace. Whether it is big data, social, analytics, cloud computing, CRM, ERP, supply-chain management, manufacturing or mobile devices, with every survey presentation Triangle Publishing creates, the goals are to identify data and insights which will engage the target audience as well as provide our clients with the market insight necessary to plan for and make sound business/technology decisions.
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary
Technologies: Cloud computing, IT outsourcing
Custom project description: The client (PricewaterhouseCoopers) wanted to explore the impact of cloud computing on the datacenters of midsize and large companies, with a specific focus on the impact of cloud computing on organizations that currently outsource all or part of their datacenter management to third parties. Working with our partners Bloomberg Businessweek Research Services and Beacon Technology Partners, Triangle conducted a three wave global survey. In addition to the survey, the client wanted in-depth interviews with leading providers of cloud and traditional IT outsourcing services and a series of reports for Web posting and other forms of electronic distribution.
The Result: Working with BBRS and Beacon, Triangle managed the survey questionnaire development and field work, subsequent telephone interviews and report development. The survey and subsequent analysis discovered striking differences in how and when organizations adopt cloud computing. The ultimate deliverables included a series of articles, 10 charticles and other forms of content. |
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary
Technologies: Business intelligence, software as a service (SaaS)
Custom Project Description: The client (Hewlett Packard) needed to know its impact on the business intelligence market, as well as identifying shifts in buying and implementation influencers. Using a targeted selection of senior executives (C-level) tasked with BI initiatives and implementation, Bloomberg Businessweek Research Services (BBRS) conducted a survey among a targeted Businessweek subscriber base to uncover the latest consensus among companies implementing or planning to implement business intelligence.
The Result: Working with BBRS, Triangle developed the survey questionnaire to answer Hewlett Packard’s BI-related questions. With extensive experience in survey analysis and expertise in a number of technology categories, Triangle is familiar with the trends, forecasts and business/technology acumen companies and their leadership require to stay on top. Triangle presented the data in a full-color PowerPoint to the client, providing helpful commentary and analysis on what the data and trends mean to the respondents, the client and the marketplace. Whether it is big data, social, analytics, cloud computing, CRM, ERP, supply-chain management, manufacturing or mobile devices, with every survey presentation Triangle Publishing creates, the goals are to identify data and insights which will engage the target audience as well as provide our clients with the market insight necessary to plan for and make sound business/technology decisions. |
Services Provided: Edited five unique presentations for content, readability and conformance to client’s style guide; recommended and supplemented speaker notes and commentary; amended layout to new template design
Technology: Software
Custom Project Description: Triangle was tasked with taking five unique PowerPoint presentations and editing each deck for its content, readability and conformance based on the client's (Microsoft) style guide and preferences; recommending and supplementing the decks with speaker notes (with bonus detail) and amending the layout with a new template design that was created specifically for this effort.
The Result: The five specific vertical decks—featuring public safety, PC gaming, military, fashionista and the digital home—were all reformatted, restructured and finalized to showcase and optimize the opportunities in each market. From market overview and opportunity analysis to a look at the market players, offerings and resources, Triangle delivered five dynamic, colorful and revamped presentations that took the content, the look and feel (new graphics and animation) and the production value to a whole new level. |
