Research Reports |


Services Provided: Industry research, data analysis, commentary, thought leadership interviews, case studies, research report
Technologies: Human resources, cloud, mobile, big data
Custom Project Description: The client wanted a custom report to understand how the cloud was impacting human resources and recruiting in small and medium-sized businesses around the world. Given the advantages that large, enterprise-class companies have enjoyed with the cloud in recent years, this report was meant to explore to what extent SMEs are also beginning to leverage the cloud for competitive advantage.
The Result: Triangle Publishing Services, in collaboration with Forbes Insights, conducted research and follow-up interviews with executives in small and medium-sized organizations in North America, Europe, and Asia, focusing on how well managers in HR departments have been able to utilize the cloud as a competitive weapon. Thought leaders in data research as well as academia were also interviewed to better understand the market forces at work. The resulting report revelaed that the latest digital tools from cloud-based systems are being used to attract the best and the brightest knowledge workers, including millenials, who have come to expect such systems to be at their fingertps at all times. To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.



Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Cloud, transaction processing, e-commerce, big data
Custom Project Description: The client wanted a custom report to analyze the growing importance of speed and real-time processing in businesses of all kinds, particularly in financial services.
The Result: Triangle Publishing Services, in collaboration with Forbes Insights, conducted research in order to discover to what extent the volume and nature of transactions has changed in the digital age. To uncover to what extent transaction processing has become a competitive necessity, interviews were conducted with industry experts and thought leaders around the world, and analysis of available third-party research was conducted. The resulting report illustrates how the digital economy is redefining business as usual and documents the new importance of speed and performance when it comes to how an enterprise conducts its transaction processing. To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.



Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Public cloud, private cloud, governance, cross-channel user experiences, social, mobile
Custom Project Description: The client commissioned this survey and report to document perceived gaps between IT and business leadership in coming to terms with finding success in the digital economy.
The Result: Triangle Publishing Services, in collaboration with Harvard Business Review Analytics Services, conducted the survey with 378 business and IT professionals from midsize to large enterprises worldwide. Contrary to popular belief, the survey found public cloud apps are not making IT departments obsolete. Rather, they are giving way to a new type of IT/business partnership where business leaders become much more involved in the selection, development, and deployment of public cloud applications. To learn more about the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.



Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Cloud, mobile, social, big data
Custom Project Description: The client wanted a survey and report to understand how the megatrends of cloud, mobile, social, and big data are affecting businesses, as well as to engage its clients and prospects about the new opportunities.
The Result: Triangle Publishing Services, in collaboration with Harvard Business Review Analytics Services, conducted the survey and follow-up interviews with executives from organizations with more than $500 million in annual revenues to uncover insights into the transformative effects of technology on business operations . The report illustrates how mobile is enabling new business scenarios, how cloud computing is driving business agility, how big data is helping companies innovate and how social channels are transforming core business processes. To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services CEO and Editorial Director Larry Marion.
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Cloud computing, platform as a service
Custom Project Description: The client wanted a survey and report to understand the challenges involved in cloud deployment and platform as a service in the enterprise today and in the future, as well as to engage its clients and prospects about the new opportunities.
The Result: Triangle Publishing Services, in collaboration with Computerworld Strategic Marketing Services, conducted the survey and follow-up interviews with executives in midsize to large enterprise organizations who are familiar with cloud development. The report highlights the current state of cloud adoption in the marketplace, the reasons behind it and how the market is evolving, as well as discusses how organizations can gain insights into the key challenges in using public and private cloud technologies, can identify which capabilities users regard as most critical in cloud platforms and service providers and can prioritize user requirements for cloud platforms in areas such as performance, management, interoperability and migration.
Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, PowerPoint presentation, commentary, research report
Technologies: Mobile computing, cloud
Custom Project Description: The client wanted a survey and report that describes the challenges involved in mobile application development and deployment in the enterprise today and in the future, as well as to engage its clients and prospects about the new opportunities.
The Result: Triangle Publishing Services, in collaboration with CIO Strategic Marketing Services, conducted the survey and follow-up interviews with executives in enterprise organizations familiar with mobility and application development. The report highlights the perspective of IT executives regarding mobile strategy, especially as it applies to application development; documents enterprise mobile development plans over the next one to two years; explores the tools, technologies and platforms in use today or being planned for use to implement and deploy custom apps in midsize and large enterprise organizations; and documents the current state of and the future plans for back-end connectivity of mobile apps.
Services Provided: Original research via interviews, research report
Technology: In-memory computing, analytics
Custom Project Description: The client needed a research report for the SAP Database and Technology Marketing group on how organizations should rethink their existing business models and processes to take better advantage of the capabilities of real-time operations, as well as to engage its clients and prospects about the new opportunities.
The Result: Triangle, in collaboration with Harvard Business Review Analytics Services, interviewed C-level and operations executives across a broad range of industries and functions, as well as leading academics, consultants and authors, to highlight businesses transforming to be more nimble, proactive and responsive. This report illustrates how executives can solve some of their biggest business problems by developing a long-term roadmap to real-time operations.
Interested in learning more about our portfolio or have a specific custom content project? Contact Paul Pinella at: ppinella@triangle-publishing.com
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