White Papers |


Services Provided: Survey, report, esearch, writing, editing and design of an original report
Technology: Collaboration tools, CRM, communications
Custom Project Description: The client wanted to disover ways in which today's workplace depends on teamwork and to see if that dependence is any greater or less than before the advent of newer digital technologies. Because many organizations depend more than ever on contractors and consultants from all over the world, this report, sponsored by Cisco, was designed to discern whether these teams need a new way of working together.
The Result: Triangle's editorial team, working with Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, were able to document from the survey results that current collaboration tools fall far short on supporting the depth, pace and style of teamwork now required to keep up with today's most important business imperatives. To read the report, which went live November, 2016, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.

Services Provided: Research, writing, editing and design of an original ebook
Technology: Customer engagement, marketing
Custom Project Description: The client wanted to highlight customer engagement best practices, asking Triangle to develop an ebook with an overview as well as six in-depth company profiles. Marketing is undergoing a dramatic transformation. Customers aren’t what they used to be, thanks to their always-connected status, the intertwining of Web and physical commerce, and the socialization of everything. So rather than focusing on traditional approaches to brand messaging and campaign management, marketers now need to provide real-time, personalized experiences that reach customers just as they need them. Businesses need to provide an unbroken and highly relevant conversation across channels, responding to and even anticipating customers’ ever-evolving needs. For this project, Triangle's editorial team supported Forces Insights in the development of the ebook, providing in-depth research and telephone interviews as well as the writing, editing and production of ebook.
The Result: In collaboration with Forbes Insights and SAP, Triangle’s team, who are experts in customer engagement, culled their experience and knowledge from research, white papers and real-life case studies to produce and publish this ebook, which went live in January 2015. To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.

Services Provided: Questionnaire development, data analysis, research, writing and editing
Technology: Internet of Things, machine-to-machine communications, cloud computing
Custom Project Description: The client wanted to examine the current state of the so-called "Internet of Things" (IoT) as well as what business leaders and early IoT adopters expect its impact to be, and when. The rapid proliferation of connectivity, availability of cloud computing, and miniaturization of sensors and communications chips have made it possible for more than 10 billion devices to be networked. Whatever you choose to call it, there’s plenty of talk about how the Internet of Things could revolutionize how we do business. But the number of deployments is still relatively small and there are concerns around privacy and security. For this report, Triangle's editorial team supported Harvard Business Review Analytic Services in the development of the survey questionnaire, as well as provided the in-depth research, interviews, writing and editing of this 12-page report.
The Result: In collaboration with Harvard Business Review Analytic Services and Verizon, Triangle’s team, who are experts in the Internet of Things, culled their experience and knowledge as well as in-depth interviews to produce and publish this report. To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.
Services Provided: Research, writing, editing, design and compilation of more than 20 case studies into an original ebook
Technologies: In-memory computingCustom Project Description: The client wanted an original ebook to highlight its thought leadership in in-memory computing, asking Real Time Research Reports, a subsidiary of Triangle Publishing Services, to compile more than 20 original case studies on the subject. Many different factors impact the decisions companies make everyday. Being a real-time business means being able to make those decisions when they matter most. For most companies today, however, batch processes must run before any decision can be made. In retail, for example, personalized offers in stores aren’t common. Instead, stores offer a generic 25 percent off. But what if something personal and relevant for individual shoppers could be delivered when they walk in the door? For this project, Real Time Research Reports designed an original ebook compiling more than 20 original case studies produced by Triangle Publishing’s editorial and design team.
The Result: In collaboration with SAP, the team at Real Time Research Reports and Triangle Publishing, who are experts in in-memory computing, culled their experience and knowledge from research, white papers and real-life case studies to produce and publish this ebook.
To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.

Services Provided: Developed the survey instrument, analyzed the results, presented the results, provided qualitative interviews via field research, writing and editing.
Technologies: Business Intelligence, Analytics
Custom Project Description: SAS and Harvard Business Review Analytics’ Services wanted to break new ground in conducting a survey and producing a report that would explain how organizations and decision-making have changed as a result of a variety of internal and external business factors. Working with noted HBR author and Babson college professor Thomas Davenport, Triangle developed the questionnaire, analyzed the results, conducted more than 10 field interviews, wrote and edited a report that spotlighted the new trends in corporate decision-making.
The End Result: A landmark 20-page report, which was widely quoted. The sponsor conducted a variety of events based on the survey data as well as numerous other content elements, such as infographics.
To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.

Services Provided: Researched, analyzed, wrote and edited the white paper.
Technologies: New Product Development, R&D
Custom Project Description: Siemens PLM and Harvard Business Review Analytic Services (HBRAS) wanted to launch a landmark survey and research report to chronicle the radical changes in new product development strategy. HBRAS engaged Triangle to write the questionnaire, conduct the in-depth field interviews, analyze the data, and write and edit a report on the survey and interview results. The goal was to understand innovation as a practice and process inside organizations, to determine how well the product development process works within organizations, and how the process and participants were radically changing due to a variety of business and technology trends. The report targeted an audience of Harvard Business Review subscribers and Siemens PLM customers, focusing on their level of involvement in product development along with their functional areas (such as engineering, purchasing, manufacturing, etc.).
The End Result: Triangle researched, wrote and edited a 4-color, 20-page research report featuring an executive summary, methodology and participant profile, a sponsor's perspective and in-depth analysis that explained the product development and the influence partners and suppliers have on innovation, how IT bridges the gap with decision support, the ongoing role collaboration plays and the voice of the customer—all enhanced and supported with 12 top-line chart elements based on survey responses.
To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.

Services Provided: Researched, analyzed, wrote, edited and designed the white paper, providing Web- and print-ready PDF formats
Technology: Cloud Computing
Custom Project Description: The client needed a white paper that would reinforce how businesses need a systematic plan for extracting maximum efficiency and agility from their IT infrastructure through cloud computing. Enterprise cloud computing represents a fundamental change in the automation of business functions and a sea change in the planning, design and architecture of the enterprise datacenter. Resources can be rapidly engaged, scaled and terminated anywhere, at any time. And in the public cloud, organizations pay only for the resources used. As a result, a new set of business opportunities and challenges will emerge for revenue generation, risk management and cash flow. Cloud computing presents new challenges for C-level executives, who need to convert fixed costs to variable costs and still aim for maximum efficiency. PWC identified 33 enabling components of enterprise cloud computing spread over five levels of cloud maturity. However, many departments and functions have deployed some of these components piecemeal, and many of these deployments lacked a systematic plan for extracting maximum efficiency and agility from IT infrastructure through cloud computing.
The Result: PWC engaged Triangle to research, write and edit a white paper that included an in-depth discussion of cloud implementation insights. The report described the three common enterprise cloud scenarios encountered; summarized the three paths for enterprise leaders who need to get to where they want to be in terms of a cloud-oriented, efficient, flexible and scalable environment; and then identified the five levels of cloud maturity and the cloud components associated with each level.
To read the report, please contact Triangle Publishing Services President Paul Pinella.
